9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams

See on Scoop.itThe Social Web

The mere presence of other people can boost your performance, and 8 other research-backed findings about collaboration and teamwork.

Stephen Dale‘s insight:

A useful list of evidence-based attributes associated with effective team collaboration.

1. The mere presence of other people can boost your performance.

2. A familiar team has benefits like a home stadium.

3. Virtual teams can outperform face-to-face teams.

4. A balance of extroverts and introverts makes for a better team.

5. Most good teams have one analytic thinker on board.

6. Teams perform better when they include both men and women.

7. There’s a danger of teams splitting into sub-groups.

8. Effective teams depend on “social sensitivity.”

9. The best teams communicate outside of formal meetings.

Are there more?

See on 99u.com

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About Steve Dale

Stephen Dale is both an evangelist and practitioner in the use of Web 2.0 technologies and Social Media applications to support personal development and knowledge sharing. He has a deep understanding of how systems and technology can be used to support learning and facilitate smarter working, where connections and conversations are the key to self-development and creativity within the organisation.
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