Tag Archives: khub

Knowledge Hub User Consultation: the importance of UI and UX

It’s not about what the technology can do; it’s how you use it. The importance of focusing on the user experience (UX) rather than how many features you can add. Continue reading

Posted in Communities of Practice, Knowledge Hub | Tagged consultation, , ui, ux | 1 Comment

Knowledge Hub Closure: What have we learnt?

We should think of the LGA announcement of the closing down of the Knowledge Hub as an opportunity rather than a problem. The original concept was for a sustainable, sector driven cultural and technological environment in which collaborative knowledge generation, learning, sharing and problem-solving would be supported with minimal mediation by national bodies. The reality is that it is has become a closed and proprietary LGA network, with very little transparency about strategy and development priorities, and clearly now a growing burden to a cash-strapped organisation. Continue reading

Posted in Knowledge Hub, Public Sector | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Knowledge Hub: A response.

The Knowledge Hub community of practice facilities were meant to be a step on the way, and not an end in itself, which is what I think the Knowledge Hub has become. The unfortunate conjunction of original concepts and vastly cut-down capabilities (per the original specification) has resulted in a just-about-adequate user interface (UI), but a fairly hostile user experience (UX). Continue reading

Posted in Knowledge Hub, Public Sector, Social Enterprise | Tagged , , localgov | 7 Comments

Government launches public sector app store

I came across this artcle on the BBC website today. For those who remember my involvement with the early design and business requirements for the Knowledge Hub, the Khub App store was one of the main features of the new platform. Regretably … Continue reading

Posted in Apps and Mashups, Central Government, Knowledge Hub, Public Sector | Tagged app store, Cloudstore, , | Leave a comment

Maximising the power of collective knowledge

Introduction This is a summary of one of the breakout session I ran at the Cisco Public Services Summit, Oslo 9-11 December 2011.  It describes the role of Communities of Practice in supporting more effective collaboration and knowledge sharing between … Continue reading

Posted in Communities of Practice, Knowledge Hub, Public Sector, Social Business, Social Enterprise | Tagged ciscopss, , , , pfiks, | 1 Comment

Entry for Management Innovation eXchange M-Prize

The Management Innovation Exchange(MIX) is “an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. The premise: while “modern” management is one of humankind’s most important inventions, it is now a mature technology that must be reinvented for a … Continue reading

Posted in Knowledge Hub, Semantic Web, Social Enterprise | Tagged , , , pfiks | 1 Comment

Knowledge Hub – part 5: Day of the App

Continuing my sequence of blog posts about the Knowledge Hub, the new and innovative community and collaboration platform for the UK public sector. I am devoting this post to the Knowledge Hub’s “App Store” facilities that will get delivered in … Continue reading

Posted in Knowledge Hub, Public Sector | Tagged apps, , pfiks | 1 Comment

Knowledge Hub Data and Apps Workshop

This blog post is to thank all of the participants (presenters and delegates) to the Knowledge Hub Data & Apps workshop that was held in London yesterday (27 April 2011). The workshop was used to establish the foundations for the … Continue reading

Posted in Apps and Mashups, Data, Knowledge Hub | Tagged advisory group, apps, Data, | Leave a comment

Introduction to the Knowledge Hub

As we approach the first (Beta) release of the Knowledge Hub, a project that has consumed my very existence as lead consultant for these past 2 years, I thought I would share a presentation I put together for the Knowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Knowledge Hub, Knowledge Management, Web2.0 | Tagged , , Public Sector | Leave a comment

Knowledge Hub – part 4: Social Graph and Activity Stream

Continuing with my posts about the Knowledge Hub (Beta release in April 2011): Knowledge Hub 3 – User Experience Knowledge Hub 2 Knowledge Hub 1 I wanted to touch on another of the key features being delivered by the new … Continue reading

Posted in Communities of Practice, Knowledge Hub, Knowledge Management, Social Networking Tools | Tagged activity stream, , social graph | 2 Comments