Tag Archives: social business

Maximising the power of collective knowledge

Introduction This is a summary of one of the breakout session I ran at the Cisco Public Services Summit, Oslo 9-11 December 2011.  It describes the role of Communities of Practice in supporting more effective collaboration and knowledge sharing between … Continue reading

Posted in Communities of Practice, Knowledge Hub, Public Sector, Social Business, Social Enterprise | Tagged ciscopss, CoP, intelligus, khub, pfiks, social business | 1 Comment

The Business Of Collaboration

Some Background The last few years can be described as the age of social business and collaboration. The demands and expectations of today’s knowledge workers have been shaped by the plethora of social networks and social media tools. Communicating and … Continue reading

Posted in Collabor8now, collaboration, Knowledge Hub, Knowledge Management, Presentations, Social Business | Tagged collaboration, intelligus, social business | 3 Comments